Social Edge: The X-interviews
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Global X interviews leading social entrepreneurs. (Author: Social Edge)
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Recent episodes from Social Edge: The X-interviews
Published: Sep 8, 08Isaac Durojaiye, also known as Otunba Gadaffi, is Managing Director of DMT Toilet in Lagos. He is so tall that Global X had to stand on a chair to take a picture of him.Mr. Durojaiye launched his company after noticing that even though 20 million people lived in Lagos, there were very few public toilets, thus creating a health hazard. His mobile toilets are now built locally with local materials, a first in West Africa.Besides improving sanitation and public health, Mr. Durojaiye uses the toilet
Published: Aug 25, 08Josephine Nzerem launched Human Angle to help Nigerian women defend their rights against the side-effects of a patrilineal society.Josephine Nzerem noticed that most women don't know much about the couple's property and bank accounts, as most assets are in the husband's name. "When only your brother-in-law knows who owns what and where the papers are, you don't even know what you have been disinherited from," she tells Global X as she holds her daughter playing with her mobile phone.Her organiza
Published: Aug 11, 08Global X interviews Tim Brown, the CEO of IDEO, a global design firm that helps organizations and companies innovate around their products and services.Tim Brown remembers that when he went to India with Jacqueline Novogratz (founder and CEO of Acumen Fund), he was impressed by the systemic thinking and level of innovation that Dr.Govindappa Venkataswamy (Dr. V) had brought to the Aravind Eye Care Hospital in Madurai. It is now believed to be the best eye care and teaching facility in the world.
Published: Jul 28, 08Maxwell Marshall, a 36-year old Nigerian, launched Green Housing just after being elected an Ashoka Fellow.His goal: to provide home ownership to low- and medium-income earners, in large part by replacing conventional construction methods with bamboo. Bamboo is less costly and much more environmental-friendly than steel and cement.Maxwell Marshall had a personal experience with homelessness, as he had to sleep on the reception's couch of his office when he was starting out.In this short intervie
Published: Jul 15, 08While in Dakar, Global X had a chance to chat with Pat Pillai, South Africa's suave, urbane news anchor (as they say in Fairlady).Pat Pillai was recently elected an Ashoka Fellow for his work on youth social leadership at Life College, the replicable social business he launched to offer character education, real life projects and leadership education to families."They leave school with a wider world view, and not a slave mentality, but a champion mentality," says Pat Pillai about the childr
Published: Jun 30, 08Pierre Tami and his wife Simonetta, two Italian-speaking Swiss, launched Hagar International to help Cambodian women who have been abandoned by society through abuse, war, trafficking or violence.He tells the story of Hagar and her son, Ishmael, "the story of millions of exploited, trafficked, disabled and abandoned women and children," a story told in the Bible, the Koran and the Torah.Pierre Tami shares with Global X a piece of advice: "The world is over-managed and under-led. We need vibrant
Published: Jun 24, 08Originally from Belgium, Bart Weetjens is a Buddhist monk now living in Africa. He trains rats to find mines in the minefields of Mozambique and to detect TB in humans.
Published: Jun 17, 08Andreas Heinecke launched Dialogue in the Dark in Hamburg, an exhibition without light to discover the unseen, a "walk in the dark."He remembers meeting a young girl (she was 17) who was on her way to a hospital to have her eyes extracted. That story had a powerful impact on him and reminded him how important self-esteem is.In this very short interview (with below average sound), Andreas Heinecke shares with Global X a piece of advice: "Remain humble while you work for the others. It's not about
Published: Jun 10, 08Kyle Zimmer is President and Co-founder of First Book, an organization that puts new books in the hands of children in the US, Canada, Mexico and Colombia.She shares with Global X a piece of advice: "To be an agent of change, you should be fearless! Make a list of the ten smartest people you can think of, and ask for their advice and feedback, and keep engaging them."Kyle Zimmer made such a list as she was about to launch First Book. Fifteen years later, two of them are still on First Book's boa
Published: Jun 4, 08Taffy Adler works in Johannesburg, a city often described as one of the most dangerous places to work in the world, but he has been able to get the trust from the community by giving its people the right opportunities to help them grow.He shares two pieces of advice with Global X: "First, stay focused! Don't get distracted. Second, it's hard to argue with success, so plan to launch a successful organization, and other things will come to you."
Published: Jun 4, 08Taffy Adler works in Johannesburg, a city often described as one of the most dangerous places to work in the world, but he has been able to get the trust from the community by giving its people the right opportunities to help them grow.He shares two pieces of advice with Global X: "First, stay focused! Don't get distracted. Second, it's hard to argue with success, so plan to launch a successful organization, and other things will come to you."
Published: May 27, 08Global X interviews Giséle Yitamben, who launched the Association for Support to Women Entrepreneurs in Cameroon 21 years ago to help women through microfinance, vocational training programs and solar electrification.Her advice: "What really characterizes a social entrepreneur is passion and love. It's a very passionate field! So you have to be prepared to balance you personal life and your job."
Published: May 27, 08Global X interviews Giséle Yitamben, who launched the Association for Support to Women Entrepreneurs in Cameroon 21 years ago to help women through microfinance, vocational training programs and solar electrification.Her advice: "What really characterizes a social entrepreneur is passion and love. It's a very passionate field! So you have to be prepared to balance you personal life and your job."
Published: May 20, 08Christopher J. Elias is the President of PATH, the Program for Appropriate Technology and Health, an organization based in Seattle and active in 65 countries.He tells Global X why it's not enough to bring new technologies to a community --it's also necessary to strengthen the health services and systems delivery and to foster individual and community healthy behavior.After medical school, Chris Elias worked in a Cambodia hospital where he noticed that most diseases that needed to be treated were
Published: May 13, 08Fazle H. Abed's life was transformed when a cyclone hit Bangladesh in 1970 and thousands of people died. He was working for Chevron and decided to take a few days off to help survivors. What he saw made him realize that he needed to change his life, and he launched BRAC to address poverty alleviation through microfinance, health care and education.BRAC has expanded outside Bangladesh: Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda and Sudan, which is reflected in his advice to fellow social entreprene
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